5 tips for selecting the right IT asset management software

A popular adage states “Perfection is unattainable but by chasing it, one can catch excellence.” Nothing could be more closer to the truth. Who doesn’t want perfection? Its elusiveness increases people’s attraction to it. Well, if you are hoping to achieve perfection by reading this blog, I am sorry to let you know this is not a self-help blog, but good luck chasing perfection. I am cheering you on, wherever you are. However, this blog, does cover what you can do to get the perfect IT asset management software. Yes, that’s right. Read on to know the factors that have to be considered for choosing the right, perfect IT asset management software for your organisation.

Clarity on the usage

Answer the whys? Before you dot the i’s and cross the t’s



Every organisation is different. And the requirement for using an asset management software will vary depending on the organisation. Before taking a call on the ITAM software for your organisation, it is imperative to understand the short and long term objectives to be achieved by the ITAM software. Clarity on its expected usage would enable you to narrow down on the selection of the software.

The service desk connection

That rare case when it makes sense to keep all the eggs in one basket


Well, much as you like to deny it, it is always better to ensure your service desk has an asset management module rather than investing on a stand alone asset management software. Ensuring your asset management software is part of the service desk solution will ensure that data sharing across the organisation is efficient. Additionally, have a service desk solution that has asset management module will ensure a streamlined functioning of all the teams in an organisation.

Easy to use

ITAM software need not rival rocket launch software


Asset management is complex. Keeping track of assets and contracts throughout its lifecycle can be time consuming and complex if you are not using the right tool or worse- not using a tool at all. Save yourself some headache and find an asset management software that is simple and easy to use. Simple, easy to use software that is flexible would be the way to go.

Reasonably priced

Don’t go robbing a bank just yet


A wrong but widespread perception is that the most expensive IT asset management software is the only one that can meet the requirements from your organisation. Nothing is further from the truth. Take Freshservice for example, it is the most affordable service desk solution with an asset management module that provides a wide array of functionalities. Also it is better to watch out for hidden cost- many asset management software providers charge for data migration.

Functionality rich

Can’t do epic things with just the basics


The ITAM software you are considering should have the functionalities that would make your’s and your team’s job easier. Inventory management, auto-asset discovery, CMDB management/configuration management, asset lifecycle management, contract management etc. Identifying your requirements and aligning them with the functionalities present in the asset management software you are considering is crucial.


Well there you go– the 5 tips you can consider to have a successful shot at identifying the perfect asset management software. If you have more queries, drop an email to support@freshservice.com.